
Crédits : Charlène Campos. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: Arbès Food, Studio Cabrelli

Backstage in the workshop

United by strong commitment and teamwork, the employees of Le Comptoir du Caviar perpetuate its tradition on a daily basis by preserving artisanal expertise.

Each year, thousands of exceptional products are created in L'Atelier du Comptoir du Caviar, located in Mulcent in Les Yvelines. "Familiarity with the product and respect for regulatory requirements are vital to guarantee the excellence of our range," explains Marie-Sophie Darnois, Quality Manager since 2022. "IFS Global Markets certification provides the framework for our everyday activities and recognizes our values." For the company, this commitment to global quality triggers a proactive approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), aiming to gradually tackle environmental, economic, and social challenges, and ensure, as Marie-Sophie says, that "the company develops sustainably over the coming years."

Team spirit, family spirit

Working for quality also means working together. For Production Manager Julien Dechavanne, this is an essential factor in moving forward with participatory management. "We have a strategic approach based on operational product-service excellence, teamwork, and constant improvement." A code of behaviour that is much appreciated by team members such as Christelle Ardemani, Team Leader for the tarama workshop for 20 years. "Here, putting people first lies at the core of our concerns. Full priority is given to the well-being and active participation of our teams. They take part in discussions, attend strategy meetings. Each team member has a real part to play." Cohesion within the group that has a positive impact on performance.

And to cope with production peaks, responsiveness is essential, as emphasized by Commercial Assistants Itto Kiou and Noela Le Naour: "Our work is mainly centered around the handling of orders and deliveries. Though our strength lies in our reactivity and our closeness to production." Packaging, labelling, packing, dispatching… For James Legrand, in charge of order preparation, there is just one watchword: anticipation! After joining the firm in 2016, he too appreciates the team spirit and warm atmosphere that reign throughout the workshop.

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